
From Book A Flight
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This page would be edited by Administrative staff only. It comprises a set of tables, where each table contains the entries for one of the drop down lists available in the system.

Flight Types

This contains the types of flights that the installation knows about. This list typically contains Intro flights, AbInitio, Charter, Instrument rating, etc.

In this list, the only item that is critically important is the Intro Flight. This MUST have a Key of INTRO for the system to price Intro Flights at a flat rate. All other flight types are priced on a flight duration basis.

Instruction Payment Types

This list contains the types of instruction payment available. Please use ...

  • D = Direct - payment is made by the student Directly to the instructor. I.e. payment for instruction does NOT reflect on the invoice
  • C = Club / School - Prices for instruction / briefing are included in the invoices and attract VAT if a VAT rate exists in the siteconfig entries
  • L = Levy - Levy charged at SCHOOL_LEVY_RATE (as a % - value from siteconfig entries) on instruction ex VAT amounts - there IS VAT on instruction
  • M = Mixed mode - Levy charged at SCHOOL_LEVY_RATE (as a % - value from siteconfig entries) on instruction ex VAT amounts - there is NO VAT on instruction (i.e. school collects instruction fees to pay over to instructors, but instructors are not vat registered and do not add VAT to their portion of the total
  • N = Levy by value - Levy is charged at SCHOOL_LEVY_RATE (as Rands per hour) on Instruction - there IS VAT on the instruction time.