Student Progress Tracking

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To assist schools with workload and capacity planning for instructors we have the ability to link students to specific instructors, and to track the current progress and anticipated completion date of student advancement. See [this training video for details, or read below.

Specifying an instructor

On the “Instructors” listing there is a new menu option called “Students”. This will take you to a listing of the specific students allocated to that particular instructor, as indicated in the following figure.

Student Tracking 1.png

Clicking on the "Students" link next to an instructor will lead to a screen listing the students currently linked to that instructor, and on this screen you can search for a new student and click the Add.png button to add that student to the current instructor. Please note that a student can only be linked to one instructor at a time - if you link a student to an instructor that student will automatically be removed from any other instructor that this student was linked to before.

Student Tracking 2.png

To remove a student from an instructor click the X.png button or simply link the student to another instructor (students can only be linked to one instructor at a time).

Students can also be linked to an instructor under the “School details” section of the “Members” record for that student.

Specifying a Level of Instruction

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Click on the “Edit” button to make changes to the type of instruction that the student is currently receiving. This button takes you to the “Student Training” dialog box, as indicated in the diagram to the right. On this screen you can specify if the student is part-time or full-time as well as adjusting the “Goals and Progress” for the level of instruction that the student is currently receiving.

To start the student on a certain level of instruction, tick the box in the “Start” column. Once training has started (but has not yet ended) you can enter a “Target Date” for the anticipated completion of the specific level of training.

Once the student completed a level of training, click on the “End” tick-box to have the level closed off.

For each student there is a field for the capture of a targeted number of “Dual hours per week”. This number is totaled on the instructor details screen so that you can manage how many hours per week each instructor is currently anticipating working.

Displaying Instruction Progress

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If a student is linked to an instructor and has a level of instruction loaded, then these details are displayed as part of the Green Tag process. This is to allow the student to get regular reminders of their targeted completion dates for their current training level.

The instructor, and level of instruction are also visible on the “Members” listing screen, as indicated in Figure 11. On this screen you can filter and/or sort by these fields in the same way that you can filter and sort on other fields. This will allow you to, for example, select “All members” and then filter on “PPL” training level to see all pilots who are currently busy with their PPL training

Student Tracking 5.png

Customizing the Training Options

The list of available instruction types is managed on the Lists screen, on the tab called "Training Phases". This list is not user editable, but Book A Flight can make any adjustments you may with to have here.